Join us April 14, 2019 for the 1st annual "What a pain in the neck" Car, Truck, Jeep, and Bike show & swap meet. Entrance is just $15 at the gate - free parking
10:00 am - 2:30pm
Enjoy a vast array of all types of vehicles from different eras, food, drinks, beer, and find that special something you have been searching for at the swap meet (no outside food or beverage's will be permitted inside the gates)
Vendors needed
This event is to heighten Thyroid Cancer awareness and will benefit Lacey Burlew, one of 4-17 Southern Speedway's own crew members that is currently fighting Cancer.
Judged show to include:
Trucks, Jeeps, bikes, & Speedway Pick
1900 - 1950
Trophies will be presented at 2:00 pm
Timed laps after the show, on the track at 3:00pm (2 laps- $5.00, 6 laps- $10.00)
Must have a helmet and seat belt
Vendors- contact Tim at: 239-770-1988 or 239-464-7411 or